Lyme Congregational Church
1 Dorchester Road, Lyme, NH 03768
Sunday Worship: Sept. - June 10:30 am / July - August 9:30 am

LCC Adult Choir
A friendly group of singers who enjoy singing traditional and contemporary music in four-part harmony and taking on new challenges.
Directed by Alison Cheroff, our pianist, organist, and choir director
Lead the music during worship services from mid-September through mid-June
Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, prior to the worship service
Sometimes accompanied by other instrumentalists including guitar, bass, drums, trumpet, and even a chamber orchestra
All singers, high school-aged and up, are invited to join this group - no auditions necessary!
A great opportunity to sing with a group and share in the LCC music ministry

Junior Bell Choir
Participants usually in grades 2 through 6
Rehearsals on one week-day afternoon after school at the church
An adult meets the group at the Lyme School at the end of the school day to walk together to the church
Snack and fellowship time before beginning the music rehearsal
Can help arrange rides for children from other elementary schools, and for rides home, as needed
Participant families do not need to be members of LCC or of any other church
Anyone interested in music, bell ringing, and singing is invited to join